According to an estimate by industry body Assocham, the mobile value added services are poised to grow by over 65 per cent to touch Rs 8,200 crore by the end of this fiscal from Rs 4,950 crore in the last fiscal . The high growth is attributed to a rapidly increasing large subscriber base and easy accessibility to the end-users. Various downloads such as ringtones, bill-related information, contest, exam results and messages received from public services such as banks, railways and airlines earn revenues for the industry. Such revenues will grow and multiply to add volumes to mobile value added services (VAS).
Indian music industry earned more than 35 million dollar from such services which is equivalent to 20 per cent of its total revenue. The total mobile music downloads in Indian markets are valued at 75 million dollars and is expected to grow by 25 per cent in the next year. SMS interactivity, which has become an integral part of most of TV shows, would become a major source of revenue for the channels. TV show Indian Idol on Sony got more than 55 million votes via SMS -- at a rate of Rs 3 per SMS, that is Rs 16.5 crore. The telecom companies earned Rs 11.5 crore and Sony made Rs 5 crore.
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