India's Bharti Airtel has joined hands with The GSM Association to launch a pilot programme that will eventually enable over 25 million Indians abroad to remit money to India through their mobile phones. State BAnk of India has piloted a project in a small Himalayan village of Pithoragarh in India with Airtel. The project is seen to have potential of transforming the lives and economies across the globe.
India is the biggest recipient of overseas remittances in the world at US$25 billion, accounting for around 10% of the world market. The remittances market is growing by 20% in India every year. This programme will enable global Indians to easily and securely send remittances to their dependents, many of whom don't have bank accounts. Intent is to enable individuals access to the benefits of a full range of financial services regardless of socio economic level or geographical location using the ubiquity and ease of mobile communications. The programme will complement existing local remittances channels and make transferring money internationally significantly more affordable.
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